Employment Enquiries
How will I know when you are hiring?
We post job ads in the Gatton Star, Gumtree.com.au and on our Facebook page. To connect with us on Facebook click here. We generally keep applications on file for 3 months so even if we aren't advertising it may still be worthwhile sending one in. See "how to apply" below.
What are the benefits of working with us?
- Job Security
- Flexibility with reasonable overtime available
- Uniforms provided
- Immediate Start
- A family run business where you know your boss and the whole team
- Assistance with licence upgrades
How do I apply for a job with us?
Download our application form below and return the completed form, along with your resume to our offices at Toowoomba or Gatton or contact us for our email address.
Or submit our online form and upload your resume.